The Beatles Study Group

As part of its Music Workshop series, the Cloverdale Arts Alliance will host a monthly event dedicated to the music of the world’s most celebrated pop group, The Beatles. These events will be directed by Bob Lee, a retired local musician and self-proclaimed Beatlemaniac. Each month we will “deconstruct” two Beatles songs, learning the history of the songs, how they were recorded, and the actual musical parts played by the various instruments on the recordings. Amateur musicians are invited to bring their own instruments and/or singing voice. Others are welcome to just sit back and enjoy the proceedings. The next month’s meeting will include a performance of the two songs learned by the group before moving on to the next two songs.

The first meeting of The Beatles Study Group is scheduled for Thursday, June 13, from 7 to 9 PM. It will continue on the 2nd Thursday of each month thereafter. The sessions are free and open to the general public. All you need is love.

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4 Replies to “The Beatles Study Group”

  1. Hi Bob
    Just dropping a line to say thank you for keeping steel guitar alive. I see we have some things in common like the love for the steel,Beatles and music.
    Years back as i was growing up being stupid my father was very involved with building steels and going to conventions and playing a little as a hobby.
    I have been out of touch with steel for awhile and just dug one of dads steels out and started messing around on it again.
    Two things Bob. Is there any where that i could place one of dads guitars to preserve it and it’s memory ? I just know once I have moved on the guitar will be abandoned and loss forever.
    Second : I have some Emmons instruction courses which needless to say are great but i am the type of person who learns better seeing things done. Is there a course which fits that criteria ie dvd etc. that you recommend using?

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