Electronic Changer Controller


Some years ago, I envisioned a hardware interface to an electronically controlled pedal steel changer. The pedals and knee levers on the guitar would be wired to a computer instead of pulling the changer directly.  The computer controller would allow the player to instantly change tunings and copedents.  I couldn’t find a manufacturer who was willing to buy into the idea, but a guy can dream.  Here’s the “user guide” that I wrote for the fictional controller.

Pedal Steel Changer Controller (pdf file)

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1 Reply to “Electronic Changer Controller”

  1. Hi Bob
    I stumbled onto your page while looking for 12 String Steel guitar string frequency’s. Great information you put into the site. I also learned that you had the same vision as to build a what you called a “Pedal Steel Changer Controller” . I designed and build a prototype with very similar features as what you describe. I call it a “Electro Steel Guitar” Its a standard 10 string steel guitar where servo motors do the pulling on my 4 paddles and knee levers. It can change from E9 to C6 with a click of a button. I completed it about a year and halve ago and it still going as the first day of commissioning. I am currently building the second with much more features than the first one. Things like touch screen controller, auto tuning, all wireless, wireless earplugs, 12 strings etc. The servo puller motors are 100% accurate but slightly noisy, so I will use stepper motors this time. I am in the final stage of the build and exited to start playing it.

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