At the 1995 West Coast Steel Guitar Show

(picture of)
Bobby Black stands tall

Bobby Black was working a job in Reno the weekend of the show, and didn't have time to pack up and set up his pedal steel to do a steel show as well. Lucky for us! He brought his triple neck Fender and totally WOWed everyone in the audience. It was hard to believe that anyone could get that many chords without pedals.

In this picture you can see that Bobby's brother Larry joined the band on guitar for his portion of the show. They played mostly western swing and jazz standards, and even a bit of Hawaiian music. The crowd loved every minute of it.

On Sunday, I managed to get Bobby Black's tunings. Here they are:

     E13th       C6th     C Diatonic
1     E           G           E
2     C#          E           C
3     B           C           B
4     G#          A           A
5     F#          G           G
6     D           E           F
7     B           C#          E
8     G#          B (.020)    C#

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Copyright ©1995 by Bob Lee,